Cross Applications

  •  Cross Application
  • Cross Applications is the concept to exchange data between two systems.
  • ALE (Application Link Enabling) is an SAP Technology to support Cross Applications.
  • ALE uses IDOC(Intermediate Documents) to support the cross applications
  • IDOC is the carrier to carry the data from one system to another system.
  • SAP can only understand the IDOC format when it communicates with any other system.
 Distributing the Data

  • Irrespective of the Receivers, the ABAPer’s job in the sender system is to generate the IDOC. The Process of Generating the IDOC is nothing but an Outbound Process.
  • Irrespective of the senders, The ABAPer’s job in the receiver system is to collect the data from IDOC. The process is collecting the data from IDOC is nothing but Inbound Process.


Run Time Components of IDOC's

Run Time Components of IDOC:

  1. It generates and unique IDOC Number, Which is 16 digits.
  2. It generates 3 types of records.
    1. Control Record
    2. Data Records
    3. Status Records


Control Records: Control records specify the sender as well as receiver information. It generates only one control record. This information will be saved on EDIDC Table.


Data Records: Data records specify the data which is sent by the sender system. It generates any number of data records. This information will be saved on EDIDD Table.


Status Records: It generates the status code for each and every stage of transferring the data. It generates any number of status records. This information will be saved on the EDIDS table. There are 2 types of status codes.


  • Outbound Status code ( 0-49)
  • Inbound Status Code (50-75)

Types of IDOC

Types of IDOC:

  1. Basic Types:
    1. Standard IDOC
    2. Custom IDOC
  2. Extension

Standard IDOC: if we want to send as well as receive the standard database table information then we go for the standard IDC eg. LFA1 table.

Custom IDOC: If we want to send as well as receive the custom table information then we go for custom IDOC


Employee ID

Employee Name

Employee Contact number


Extension IDOC: If we want to send as well as receive additional fields information of the standard database table along with standard fields information then we go for extension IDOC.


Employee ID

Employee Name

Employee Contact number





Structure of an IDOC:


IDOC is the collection of segments and each segment is the collection of fields.

WE31 is the transaction code to create the segment.

WE30 is the transaction code to create the IDOC as well as display the IDOC.


Characteristics of an IDOC

IDOC Outbound Process

IDOC Inbound Process

IDOC Filtering Techniques

IDOC Change Pointer Techniques

Custom IDOC

Extended IDOC

ALE uses IDOC ( Intermediate Documents) to support the Cross-Application.

IDOC is the carrier that carries the data from one system to another system. SAP only understands the IDOC format while communicating with other systems.

Runtime Components of IDOC


It generates a 16 digit Unique IDOC number.
It generates three types of records control Record
Data Record
Status Record
Control Record

Control Record


It specifies the sender and receiver information
It generates only one record
This information will be saved on EDIDC Table

Data Record


It specifies the data which is sent by the sender system.
It generates any number of Data Records
This information will be saved on EDIDD Table

Status Record


It generates the status record of every stage of transferring the data.
It generates any number of status records.
This information will be saved on EDIDS Table.
There are 2 types of Status records.
Inbound Status code ( 50 – 75)
Outbound Status code ( 0-49)

 Types of IDOC

Standard IDOC Custom IDOC Extension IDOC
If we want to send as well as receive the standard database table information then we will go for standard IDOC IF we want to send and receive the custom table information then we will go for custom IDOC. If we want to send and receive additional field information then we go for Extension IDOC.


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