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Hello, young learners! Today, we will dive into the world of SAP and talk about something called AMDP. You might be wondering, “What is SAP? What is AMDP?” Don’t worry, we will break it down in a way that is easy to understand.

What is AMDP?

AMDP stands for ABAP Managed Database Procedures. This is a fancy term that means special programs written in a language called ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) that talk directly to a database. A database is like a huge digital filing cabinet where lots of important information is stored.

Why Do We Need AMDP?

Speed: Sometimes, businesses need to process a lot of data very quickly. AMDP helps by running programs directly in the database, making things much faster.

Efficiency: By using AMDP, businesses can save time and resources. Instead of moving data around, AMDP works on the data where it is stored.

Simplicity: AMDP makes complex tasks simpler. It allows programmers to write less code and still get the job done.

Feature of AMDP

  •  ABAP user can manage an AMDP.
  • AMDP framework is responsible for communicating with the database automatically creating the database procedures as SAP HANA repository cataloge objects.
  • Procedure are automatically created in the SAP Hana database by the ABAP Runtime Environment before the first AMDP method call.
  • You can extend AMDP using BADi’s.
  • AMDP is not replacement of proxies.
  • ABAP development tools (ADT) is mandatory for creating and changing AMDP.

How Does AMDP Work?

Imagine you have a big homework project. Normally, you would gather all your books and notes, sit at your desk, and start working. This is like a regular program that moves data from the database to work on it. 

With AMDP, it’s like doing your homework right in the library where all the books and notes are. You don’t have to carry anything back and forth, which makes the whole process much faster. 

The Basics of Writing AMDP

 Writing an AMDP program is a bit like writing a recipe. You need to know the ingredients (data) and the steps (instructions) to process them.

The SAP AMDP class must contain an interface IF_AMDP_MARKER.


  1. AMDP class definition should contain a marker interface IF_AMDP_MARKER_HDB (AMDP method for SAP Hana Database).
  2. In the class definition, the AMDP method parameter type should be dictionary ABAP or table type; nested tables are not supported.
  3. The AMDP method can only contain importing, exporting, and changing parameters, it cannot have a return parameter.
  4. The method parameter should be defined as a pass-by value, pass-by references are not allowed.
  5. The AMDP method can be defined in a public, private, or protected section, but if the other AMDP class method does not call the method you must declare the method, as private.


Step 1: Define the AMDP Class

First, you need to create a class. A class is like a blueprint that describes how something should be done.

CLASS zcl_my_amdp_class DEFINITION.


    INTERFACES if_amdp_marker_hdb.


        IMPORTING VALUE(iv_input) TYPE string

        EXPORTING VALUE(ev_output) TYPE string.


Step 2: Implement the Method

Next, you write the instructions inside a method. A method is like a step in your recipe.


CLASS zcl_my_amdp_class IMPLEMENTATION.


    ev_output = iv_input; ” Simple example to copy input to output




Challenges and Solutions

Like any tool, AMDP has its challenges. Here are a few and how they can be solved:

Learning Curve: Learning to write AMDP programs can be tricky. Solution: Practice and training can help programmers get better at using AMDP.

Debugging: Finding and fixing mistakes in AMDP programs can be hard. Solution: Using good debugging tools and techniques can make this easier.

Database Dependency: AMDP programs depend heavily on the database. Solution: Ensure the database is well-maintained and optimized.


In conclusion, AMDP is a powerful tool that helps businesses process data quickly and efficiently by running programs directly in the database. It’s like doing your homework right in the library instead of carrying books back and forth. While it has its challenges, the benefits far outweigh them, making AMDP a valuable asset for businesses.


So next time you hear about SAP and AMDP, you’ll know that it’s all about making complex tasks simple and fast, just like how your school’s library system might work, but on a much larger scale. Keep learning and exploring, and who knows, maybe one day you’ll be writing your own AMDP programs!

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